All the benefits
of meditation,
none of the

I’ll teach you to meditate in a way you enjoy and that gets you results, no matter how busy your mind or life.

You don’t need to be told meditation is good
for you. But if you’re like most people you:

  • struggle to find time to meditate

  • can’t quiet your mind or sit still

  • fail to stick with it

  • feel frustrated 

  • aren’t getting life-changing benefits

Good news: that can change right now.

Meditation can be something you genuinely look forward to doing. It can fit easily into the busiest of days. And it can make your life exponentially better.

For a long time I had a complicated relationship with meditation.

Then I started working with a meditation coach and it finally clicked. Suddenly I was meditating every day, finding it fun, and getting such huge benefits that people started calling me Jess 2.0.

Meditating so dramatically improved my life that I underwent a rigorous 2 year training program, studying with some of the greatest living masters around the world.

I now specialize in teaching people with busy minds and busy lives how to get the benefits of meditation WITHOUT it feeling complicated, tedious or hard to maintain.

family sitting on couch meditating | Jess V Meditation

Ready to get the benefits of meditation without the struggle?

Get Started

You won’t need to:

  • Clear your mind

  • Find a quiet place

  • Sit uncomfortably

  • Have superhuman discipline

  • Do it a long time to see results


I’ve taught more than 1,000 people over the last 10 years. Over and over they can’t believe how much they enjoy meditating, how they’re able to stick with it and how quickly they see results. 

(This includes people with small kids, demanding jobs, health issues, and whatever else has been standing in your way).

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 Kind Words

I’d never been able to make meditation a habit before, but now I do it every day despite my crazy life. Jess is the best teacher of anything I’ve ever had. She meets you where you’re at and guides with patience, empathy and serious expertise - plus a great sense of humor! I’m happier, healthier, less reactive, more clear and able to choose to be the ME I want to be.
— Laura, Project Manager
I was a person who thought I couldn’t meditate but Jess made me a believer. Two weeks after taking her course my partner came home from a trip and said I was a different person – a happier, nicer, more balanced version of myself. I can honestly say that learning to meditate with Jess has completely transformed my life.
— Susannah, Communications

 After working with me you will:

Better handle stress

Be less reactive & more emotionally balanced

Sleep better & have more energy

Feel less anxious & overwhelmed

Be more focused, productive & creative

Have a more positive outlook

Be present & enjoy your life

Have better relationships & health

and so much more

You'll finally get what you’ve been looking for in all the wrong and expensive places, and start living the life that's waiting for you.

 Ready to get meditating?

Work with me

 Kind Words

Jess makes meditation easy and fun. Her course instantly gave me a refuge from the constant barrage of thinking, stress, and anxiety. I’m sleeping better, calmer, and way more able to deal with my thoughts and responsibilities. I’m drinking less alcohol and coffee, and on my phone less. I now love meditating, and I love my life again.
— Patrick, Television Producer
Working with Jess was catalytic. I am my better self throughout the day because of it. Jess is warm, encouraging and meets you where you’re at. Being at the hand of such an experienced teacher was invaluable and made this so much more effective than anything I’d tried before.
— Steven, Consultant

 If meditation can work for this former type-A stresscase with a mind that wouldn’t quit and no time to pee most days, it can work for you – and I know exactly how to get you there.

work with me